
Mayville police talk to create safer school environment

Mayville police held a safety talk at Westridge School as part of their Safer Schools initiative.

MAYVILLE police are serious about safety with their Safer Schools programme, which was launched at the beginning of the school term.

Mayville SAPS Corporate Communication Officer, W/O PZ Ngwane, and police intern, G Dumisa, visited Westridge High School this month to give a talk as part of the ongoing project.

“Learners were addressed on the dangers of bullying and warned that they must not bring dangerous or illegal weapons to school. They must respect each other as well as the teachers, and they were also addressed about the prevention of alcohol and drug abuse,” said Ngwane.

Pamphlets with helpful safety information were also distributed to the learners.

“This campaign is ongoing, and more schools will be visited this year with an intention to sensitise learners not to involve themselves in criminal activities. It was good to see our initiative welcomed by the school's principal, educators and learners,” Ngwane added.

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