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NPO offers counselling course

The Philippi Trust is encouraging people to join its introduction to Christian counselling course.

THE Philippi Trust, a non-profit organisation, offers training in Christian counselling.

An invitation is extended to anyone wishing to attend an Introductory Counselling Course (Level 1), which will be held over three weekends, once each month on Fridays from 6pm to 9pm and Saturdays from 8am to 4pm.

The course is usually held at the Holy Trinity Church, Nqutu Road, Hillcrest. The courses are also available to be held at any church which would like to establish a counselling department.

An advanced course, which is held over 10 weekends, is also available to all students who have successfully completed the Level 1 Course.

Further details may be obtained from Don Peddie on 082 865 2492.

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