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Vagrants build shelters on vacant plot in Umbilo

Local businesses have been broken into by vagrants living on a piece of vacant land off Rick Turner Road.

A BUSINESSMAN in Umbilo is calling for action to be taken against a number of vagrants who have set up home in an open plot next to the Umbilo Congella Sports Club.

According to the man, who does not wish to be named because of his proximity to the park, the situation has worsened over the past 18 months.

“The men stay there in makeshift shanties. I have seen them burning cable during the day. We have break-ins every week, and a few of the other businesses near us are also affected. Two weeks ago R50 000 worth of cable was stolen from my business,” he said.

He said he had chased away the men staying there, along with Metro Police, but they returned. “The men hide in the bush on the grounds. We want this cut down.”

He said other companies were also illegally dumping rubble at the grounds. “Trucks reverse in and offload rubble. Something needs to be done to clean this all up,” he said.

According to the businessman, the ground had been earmarked for development and was going to be turned into parking for King Edward Hospital years ago, but nothing came of it. “I have been speaking to the ward councillor to try get this issue sorted out,” he said.

Capt Motsamai Dingaan from Metro Police said he had asked for the dilapidated buildings on the property to be demolished but was waiting for a response. “The buildings are caves for thieves to hide in,” he said.

Ward councillor, Nicole Graham, said she had raised the issue with local businesses and had requested officials to clean up this area, level the land and remove any bushes or structures that would encourage people to squat in the area. “This is hopefully the next step after this initial clean-up at Congella Sports Club. Officials have promised another similar clean-up where this can be done,” she said.

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