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Get to know funnyman Carvin H

Get into the mind of funnyman Carvin H Goldstone who returns to The Playhouse theatre with his new show, Coloured President on Friday, 25 July.

CARVIN H Goldstone has become a household name in Durban comedy circles. We sat down and got the lowdown on some of his favourite things ahead of his show in Durban on 25 July.


1.The highlght of your year so far (and why)?

Arsenal winning the FA Cup. I’m a huge Arsenal fan and have waited nearly a decade for Arsenal to win something. When Arsenal last won a trophy I was single, I had no son and facebook and twitter had not yet been discovered.

2. Favourite Durban restaurant, shop, mall and local leisure activity.

Adega, Builders Wharehouse, Galleria, Gale Street indoor soccer

3. The movie you most enjoyed in the last 12 months (and why)?

Monster in Paris. Musical masterpiece even though its an animated movie.

4. The album currently in your CD player – and why?

Remixed unreleased tracks. I was a rapper in my past life and my friend and music producer gave me a whole bunch of unreleased tracks he had on his computer. It’s been in my player for months.

5. Favourite kind of meal? And least favourite?

Sugar Beans curry with meat. It can go in a bunny with rice or roti and its a winner.

I eat everything that’s commercially available in South Africa but I don’t like raw onions in anything.

6. How do you keep fit?

I play indoor soccer at least three or four times a week. But I do more walking around and talking than keeping fit.

7. What three things that make South Africa great?


Food (Briyani, Tripe, Trotters, Wors)


8. The word or phrase you most overuse?

“I’m telling you,” or its colloquial variation, “I’m tjooning you.”

9. One thing about yourself that you’d love to change (and why)?

I’m not sure you’d be allowed to print it…hahaha

10. How and where did you celebrate your last birthday? And when is your birthday?

Birthday is in May and I had a hip hop rap party at my house. All my friends came over, one is a dj and most of them can rap or were rappers. We rapped all night. Neighbours came to watch. Free concert as far as they were concerned.

11. Dream holiday?

Rio (when there is no World Cup or Olympic Games happening)

12. If you could be an animal what would it be (and why)?

Hawk…I’d love to rise above it all everyday.

13. Personalities you most admire – and why?

Chad Le Clos the most humble and down to earth South African sports star I have ever met and I’ve had the pleasure and displeasure of meeting most of them.

14. Three things you truly love? And three things you detest?

People at peace with themselves, football and architecture and interior design.

and detest discrimination, intolerance and Man United.

15. The funniest thing that ever happened to you on stage or on camera?

On stage, performing with my zip down. Wiggle wiggle…

16. Favourite actor, actress, author, singer, band and TV show?

Samuel L Jackson, Emily Blunt, John Piper, Gemstones, Spin The Flava, The Firm

17. What’s on top of your bucket list?

A one man show at Royal Albert Hall in England or Madison Square Garden

18. What are you reading at the moment?

I’m reading The Real Meal Revolution – Tim Noakes.

19. Your three favourite cities in the world – and why?

Port Elizabeth, the people are beautiful and friendly

Durban – I’ve grown up here. I embody this city.

London – my family live in London so its potentially a home away from home.

20. Five things about yourself that most people don’t know?

I finished Matric and started tertiary education when I was 16.

My mother, father and sister have all lived in a different country to me since I was 19 so I haven’t seen my sister in eight years and my father in about four years.

I turned 30 on May 19 and bought myself a scale for my birthday and weighed myself. It read 154 kgs. I should be dead.

In matric I was made the head prefect at my high school even though I was significantly younger than everyone at 15 years old at the time.

I can’t dance at all, I’ve tried everything and my brain just can’t connect. I’m so bad I didn’t even dance with my wife at out wedding.

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