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Charity project knits locals together

 For KZN’s Big Blanket Reveal, 67 Blankets is collaborating with Holy Family College in Glenmore.

THIS year, 67 Blankets for Nelson Mandela Day is going local for its annual blanket collection and reveal road show. Hashtagged #LocalBlanketsIsLekka, the charity’s 2023 blanket drive will see ‘KnitWits’ (volunteers) and Ambassadors going all-out to crochet and knit blankets for display in their region. For the past nine years, all blankets made in South Africa have been displayed at a national venue, but this year, blankets are being displayed in their regions, where the blankets will be donated to people in need.

According to Franki Hills, Ambassador (KZN) for 67 Blankets for Nelson Mandela Day in KZN, KnitWits are working hard to keep hundreds of needy people warm this winter, with a growing number of new volunteers joining each week. “Residents of homes for the elderly, school and university students, and people from all walks of life are working together as a caring community that wishes to make a real difference in the lives of those living in dire circumstances,” said Hills.

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For KZN’s Big Blanket Reveal, 67 Blankets is collaborating with Holy Family College in Glenmore, near UKZN in Glenwood, Durban. “Holy Family College is delighted to partner with 67 Blankets on this important mission to keep hundreds of people in KZN warm during the coming winter. Our school, having recently celebrated its 148th anniversary, is wholly on board with making the #LocalBlanketsIsLekka campaign a resounding success,” said the principal, Mrs Ursula Collings, of the second oldest school in KZN.

“We are inspired to continue the legacy of Nelson Mandela as we gather to commemorate his life, stitch by stitch, through our shared talents and teachings. The inspiring lessons through community engagement, our collective passion for creativity, our courage to serve, and giving dignity to the poor, are encouraged as a lead-up to the Big Blanket Reveal event on June 10 at Holy Family College,” she continued.

“We are excited and looking forward to fulfilling our school motto, Quid Retribuam, Latin for ‘What shall I render; whom may I serve?’”

“Our staff, pupils and parents are hard at work on blankets for the big event, and we are officially issuing a challenge to all schools in KZN to join us in crocheting or knitting blankets for the needy. Together, we can achieve our goal. Any school that would like to join in is asked to contact our PRO, Jackie, on (031) 205 5083 or email her on marketing@holyfamilycollege.co.za. We look forward to welcoming the people of KZN to our historic school,” she concluded.

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What do local KnitsWits have planned for June?

On Saturday, June 10, from 11:00, blankets made by KZN KnitWits will be displayed in all their riotously glorious colour at the school, which will host 67 Blankets founder Carolyn Steyn along with a number of other VIPs. “The event will also feature some of KZN’s top youth talent in a programme of music and dance, with face painting, food and drink sales, and a huge splash of colour,” said Hills.

67 Blankets is made up of volunteers from across South Africa who knit and crochet blankets for needy people who would otherwise be cold in winter. Nine years ago, the organisation was founded by Knight of the French National Order of Merit recipient, Madame Carolyn Steyn, who is internationally recognised for her contributions to philanthropy, the arts and media. Madame Steyn will be in Durban for the June 10th reveal event.

To find out how you can get involved, email info@67blankets.co.za or go to 67 Blankets for Nelson Mandela Day (South Africa) on Facebook.

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Nia Louw

I am one of two journalists working on the Berea Mail Newspaper. We produce stories weekly for both print and online. I am dedicated to producing content that is current and engaging to our audiences, and with the help of our digital co-ordinator, Khurshid Guffar, and our editor, Corrinne Louw, we focus on producing content that keeps up with online trends and audience preferences. The Berea Mail website showcases a wide array of articles that fall under various categories, from entertainment, lifestyle, schools and food to crime, municipality-related stories and other hard news. I have been with the Berea Mail Newspaper for more than two years, and I am committed to producing accurate and newsworthy content. I have a good rapport with the local community and enjoy covering community-centred stories and sharing the stories of our local residents.

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