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Performance academy kicks off in Durban

The Powerade Performance Academy sees expert performance coaches being part of an interactive session of empowering and enriching lessons for school coaches.

DURBAN recently kickstarted the 6th annual Powerade Performance Academy for 2019 at Moses Mabhida Stadium.

The academy sees expert performance coaches being part of an interactive session of empowering and enriching lessons for school coaches.

For the Durban Academy, Dick Muir, John McGrath and Sizwe Ndlovu took the coaches through critical lessons on how to tackle aspects of coaching on and off the field of play. Making a return this year, was SA U17 Women’s Coach, Simphiwe Dludlu who inspired the coaches to build character in their teams after she encouraged coaches to break down barriers in 2018.

Powerade has aimed much of its focus on high school coaches in recognition of their role as primary influencers of the next generation of South Africa’s sporting heroes.

Visit Powerade Facebook page (@PoweradeZA) and #AlwaysForward.

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