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Joyful parents welcome new year arrivals

Mums at Netcare Parklands Hospital spoke to Berea Mail about their new year bundles of joy.

SIXTY-NINE new bundles of joy were delivered at KZN health facilities on New Year’s day this year.

In Durban, a baby boy was born at Netcare St Augustine’s Hospital, two babies were born at Ahmed Al-Kadi Private Hospital and five babies were born at Netcare Parklands Hospital.

Speaking to Berea Mail at Parklands, mum Rizwana Tayob said she welcomed her ‘surprise’ baby, a boy yet to be named, who was born nine and a half years after her last child. Rizwana said it was the biggest surprise for her and her family to have to start all over again. “There are six years between my son and daughter as well, but this is God’s plan, not ours. It took nine months for it to sink in that we were having another baby! We haven’t made an amicable decision on a name yet,” she said.

The baby boy was born at 9.30am weighing 3,7kg. “This has been a great start to the new year!” she said. Rizwana’s eldest child, Ahmed, said he is very happy with his new brother. “I’ve always wanted a little brother, and I am ecstatic!” he said.

Rizwana said she prays her new little boy is successful in every avenue in life, in his worldly affairs and spiritual life.

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Lucille and Chris Folker welcomed their miracle babies, twins, into the world at 10.35am and 10.36am. Their daughter, who they have named Pippa, weighed 2.35kg and their son, who they are yet to name, weighed 1.85kg.

“These are our first children and they are IVF babies which makes it even more special. We have waited a long time for them! They were born at 33 weeks, five days, but they are fine and are breathing on their own. We held them for the first time on Tuesday which made me feel a lot better as I was desperate to hold them,” said Lucille.

They said it wasn’t planned that the babies be born on 1 January and that a decision was made following a routine visit on Friday.

“Dr Sanker, our doctor, was worried about our son’s size and he consulted Dr Borat. They made the decision that it was safer for them to come out as our son was struggling to get nutrients. We are from Hilton and had nothing with us, so my mom had to run around getting us things for the hospital stay. We had the weekend to get used to the idea that we would have our babies so soon,” she said.

For their babies’ futures, Lucille and Chris said they foresaw that they would be chilled tennis players.

“Chris has owned a tennis academy for 20 years and is a tennis player, so we think they will follow in his footsteps,” said Lucille.

Lucille and Chris Folker welcomed their miracle babies, twins, into the world at 10.35am and 10.36am on 1 January.

Imtiaz and Romaana Karodia welcomed their baby boy Zarar into the world at 4am, weighing 3.58kg.

“He was born on our 12th wedding anniversary, so guess who is going to take preference every year! It’s nice to share our anniversary with our son, he was a nice present, although it was a surprise as he was due a week later,” said Romaana.

Romaana said she went into labour on 31 December and arrived at the hospital at 11.30pm.

“I was told to come back later and we went home to watch the fireworks at midnight, and then went back to the hospital! I’m just glad everything went well,” said Romaana.

The couple said their five-year-old daughter, Aleena, is very excited to be a big sister.

“We just hope Zarar is healthy and happy in life. It’s a big world out there and we want him to be content,” said Romaana.

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Magie Andi gave birth to her son, who is yet to be named, at 12.20pm . He weighed 1.9kg.

She said her son was due on 10 February, but that she was having complications two days before and at her check up her doctor suggested she have an emergency caesar.

“I had an hour to get used to the idea. There was so much for me to do and I had to get myself together emotionally and physically. It was my first time and it was very scary. I was overwhelmed by fear and joy, but I can say I’ll never do that again!” she said.

She said the most important thing to her was that she now had a gorgeous baby boy and she was just taking it one day at a time and getting used to the idea.

“My husband Hitesh Girdharie is very excited,” she said.

On 2 January, Magie was yet to hold her baby, and said she couldn’t wait to see him and to hold him.

“I would love for him to grow up to be a pilot one day and I hope he is a spiritual type of person, much more reserved than his parents!” she said.


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