
Is your general knowledge something to crow about?

CROW invites all friends, family and work colleagues to join in on its Quiz and Comedy evening at the Kloof Country Club.

IF you enjoy flaunting your intelligence or simply raising money for a good cause, and enjoy a good laugh, you need to get to the Centre for Rehabilitation of Wildlife (CROW) Quiz and Comedy Evening.

CROW invites all friends, family and work colleagues to join this event at the Kloof Country Club on Thursday, 30 November. Tables consist out of six to eight people to form a team that will be tested on all things general knowledge, from history and geography to the work of CROW itself.

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In addition to having a chance to prove your mental might, teams will also be able to take home a host of prizes either through the quiz or in the bumper auction.

The CROW centre is still in recovery following the storm that caused close on R500 000 damage to the centre on 10 October.

Tickets are R250 and will include dinner, musical entertainment and loads of prizes to be won.

To book your place, contact Chandré on 031 462 1127 or email info@crowkzn.co.za.

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