
Volunteers needed to ‘shake a can’ on Poppy Day

The SA Legion is appealing to the public to volunteer their time to sell poppies on Remembrance Day.

EDITOR – Poppy Day – always a Saturday – this year coincides with Remembrance Day on 11 November and, with your kind co-operation we’d like to make it a day to be remembered. Not only would we benefit financially but we would simultaneously increase public awareness for the significance and importance of Remembrance Day.

Our appeal is not for financial assistance (although, of course, this would always be welcome and gratefully received!) but for the public in the Durban area to “sell” poppies for us on Saturday, 11 November. The South African Legion provides assistance to all ex-servicemen/women and their families in dire straits, depends entirely on donations to carry out its welfare work and is granted only one Saturday each year for street collections.

If the public could volunteer an hour or so of their time that day to ‘shake a can’ at a shopping centre/mall close to where they live, the Legion would really be able to offer more to those in need. This, of course, is one the Legion’s main functions and goes a long way towards satisfying their motto: “Not for Ourselves but for Others”.

The more collectors we have, the greater will be our income. For years we’ve relied heavily on a faithful group of volunteers but have difficulty in significantly increasing their number. If you were to support our appeal and agree to assist in this regard, we believe that we could greatly increase our database of collectors. We are sure that there are many people, not necessarily military veterans, who would gain satisfaction and a great sense of accomplishment by becoming involved in this exercise.

To offer your services, please telephone Johann Kruger at the Durban office during the morning on 031 205 0578.

Rick Andriés

Chairman, Durban Branch

South African Legion of Military Veterans

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