
Thief spotted on CCTV

The operator alerted an armed response officer on the ground to the incident and gave him a description of the suspect.

A VIGILANT CCTV operator who spotted a suspect stealing valuables from the back of a van in the Musgrave area alerted an armed response officer who swiftly arrested the alleged thief on Wednesday, 9 August.

Blue Security community and media liaison officer, Andreas Mathios, said the CCTV operator had noticed the suspicious man walking towards a white van that was parked in Newcombe Place at around 8am.

“The suspect pulled a packet out of the back of the van, which was not locked, and fled the scene. The operator immediately alerted an armed response officer on the ground to the incident and gave him a description of the suspect. The officer patrolled the area in search of the suspect who he caught up with in Stephen Dlamini Road,” Mathios said.

He arrested the suspect and took him back to the scene of the crime where the owner of the van identified the stolen goods. Berea SAPS took the suspect into custody.

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