Kingsway teen in pageant final

Miss Teen Egoli is an entrepreneurial pageant that empowers and encourages side hustles to young women aged 15 to 18.

A Kingsway teen, Slindile Zitha, has her eyes set on being crowned Miss Teen Egoli 2021.

The 15-year-old is a finalist in the pageant and she is proud to have made it this far in the competition.

Miss Teen Egoli is an entrepreneurial pageant where it empowers and encourages side hustles to young women aged 15 to 18.

The candidates undergo practical workshops, ranging from business, social media, influencer and personal development.

The Willowmoore High School learner said she entered the competition to learn new skills and to awake her inner-self, and because she loves challenges.

“I also joined to pageant to learn how to be proud of who I am and how I look,” said Slindile.

“Everything we do in life is a preparation for something greater and winning this pageant would mean that I have to prepare myself for the next pageant I will enter. It will show that my hard work and determination has paid off.”

Slindile said the pageant has taught her that nothing is impossible.

“Before I entered the pageant, I didn’t believe in myself. I didn’t think I would be one of the finalists. However, all I had to do was to believe in myself.

The finale will be held on December 4.

To vote for Slindile, SMS Slindile Zitha to 35959. Each SMS is charged at R3.


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