WIN! Lebanese cookbook up for grabs

As a child, her only link to the mysterious country called Lebanon, the country she was told they came from, was through its food.

The City Times is giving away a copy of the Lebanese cookbook Going Home by Sophia Lindop to one lucky reader.

This book about food and stories from Lebanon, the land of the author’s forefathers, is a heartfelt story of her search for identity.

It is an in-depth look at the food culture of Lebanon, both historically and contemporary, and is a visual feast by award-winning photographer Hein van Tonder.

About the author

Growing up in a small town in South Africa, Sophia mostly felt like an outsider, but she always told people, with great pride, that she was Lebanese.

As a child, her only link to the mysterious country called Lebanon, the country she was told they came from, was through its food.

After school and on weekends it was in the kitchens of the women in her family that she found her belonging, and it was in those flavours that she found her identity.

A promise to her dad in the dark hours of the night on which he left earth took her to the land of her forefathers.

She was going home.

Going Home tells the stories behind the rich Lebanese food culture. Come and be seated at Sophia’s Lebanese table and relish the meaning of life – togetherness, sharing, laughter and above all, good food.

The book is published by Annake Müller Publishing, Cape Town, and retails for R450. Contact for more info/to order.

How to enter

• Send your full name, cellphone number and nearest Postnet branch to with “Lebanese” in the subject line.

• Entries close on June 18 at noon.

• The winner will be chosen at random and notified by email.

Good luck!

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