Why are mothers needed in the community?

Benonians share why mothers are important.

Melody Thomson: Mothers are the stabilising influence in society and they are the pivotal point in the family to help with growth. This is why mothers are so important in our community.


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Shazia Soobramoney: A mother is someone who will enjoy the milestones with her children, while secretly crying for time to stand still. They are the kind to give unconditional love and to worry about every situation.


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Kobie Bekker: Mothers are the creations God made to bring forth more mothers. There is no rest for a mother because she ensures the well-being of her children and that they are brought up with discipline. I became a mother on Mother’s Day in 1970.


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Robbin Duke: A mother is someone who is well aware of her surroundings and what is happening. It is like they are all-knowing and all-seeing. It is a mother who holds friends and family together in a community.

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