Hospital creates pregnancy awareness

Life The Glynnwood Hospital held a pregnancy awareness day on Saturday morning to assist moms and moms-to-be.

Moms were welcomed at the registration table with a complimentary parenting book and then visited stalls to learn more about caring for their babies, before entering the hospital foyer for the educational talk.

Guest speaker Dr Elize Wethmar spoke about women’s wellness.

Her speech included topics such as the importance of diabetes testing, Pap smears, yearly screening of the pelvic area, mammograms, X-rays of the breast and risk factors for cancer, among other things.

The risks for breast cancer include:

• Family history of ovarian cancer

• Genetics and ethnicity

• Cigarette smoking

• Obesity

• Excessive alcohol use (two servings a day or more)

• Advanced age

She also explained to women the importance of having mammograms done every one to two years, starting from the age of 40.

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Leah Stainton (16) welcomed guests at the registration table and handed out gift bags.
Dr Elize Wethmar spoke to mothers and mothers-to-be about wellness in women at Life The Glynnwood Hospital.


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