Former Daveyton resident in Idols top two

Former Daveyton resident Thami Shobede has made it into the final round of SA Idols and needs your votes, by 10pm on Thursday (November 24). All you have to do is SMS 09 to 37400 or download the WeChat application on your cellphone, search for Idols and vote for Shobede for free. Each person may vote 100 times.

Shobede also released his single, Sthwandwa, on November 20 – which can be downloaded from iTunes. Shobede hails from KwaZulu-Natal, but currently lives in Johannesburg and is a full-time musician. The Idols SA finals will be held at Carnival City on November 27.

Also read: Former Benonian is top five on Idols

Kamenie honed her music in Chennai

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