Grade Ones, thank you

There is nothing like an innocent smile of a child to give you hope.

On January 13, as a local journalists, we visited primary schools around Benoni.

My first stop was Tom Newby School.

With the morning rush, I struggled to find parking outside Tom Newby School – as many parents filled the parking spaces to accompany their little ones to class.

I must admit I was annoyed, but that all changed when I walked into each class and saw parents kissing, hugging and saying their goodbyes to their children.

I was filled with admiration and joy.

Firstly, the Grade Ones are simply cute and adorable, but they were also making their first journey into “adult world”.

I saw a group of children who would one day take up positions at various institutions around the country.

They are tomorrow’s leaders, teachers and parents.

For them, at the moment, their world seems small and horrifying – because most children think of school that way.

These children gave me hope and encouragement.

With all their fears, they still look forward to the small things – playing, learning and making friends.

They showed me the other side which I have ignored as an adult.

The world is filled with many challenges, but don’t forget to have fun, smile and enjoy the journey ahead.

Thank you little people for reminding me of what I had forgotten. ZM

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