Man warned about advertising sexual services

A man was pictured at the Rynfield Terrace Shopping Centre on September 20 with a sign, seemingly advertising his sexual services.

Benoni Community Policing Forum (CPF) member, Buddy David, said he was alerted to the man’s doing on a community group yesterday.

The tip-off mentioned the man operating with the sign on the corners of Vlei and Pretoria roads and Lessing Street and Pretoria Road, on September 19 and 20.

David followed up on the information and found a man matching the description of the individual standing at the Rynfield Terrace Shopping Centre, sheltering from the rain.

The CPF member saw the sign, took a photo and told the man what he was doing was illegal.

On the back of the sign, the man was asking for money to buy a new bicycle.

David said the individual told him he used the side to advertise his sexual services and when he had a person’s attention, he would flip it over.

The man has not been seen since.

Benoni SAPS acting station commander, Col Martin van Nieuwenhuizen, said the public must report these matters to police in order for them to take down statements.

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