Editor's note

I need to know more

I must admit I did not know who André Brink was until Friday, when his death was widely spoken about on social media, radio and television.

Many dusted off their collections of his books and posted pictures promising to re-read them in honour of his legacy.

As I listened to the manner in which people spoke of him, I knew I had to find out more about this man.

He was resilient and fearless in his own right.

He did not join political undercover organisations, but he used his own kind of weapon to write a story based on an often unspoken about topic, which is interracial relationships during the apartheid era.

And his weapon was his pen and paper.

He had the guts to write about a topic that many would never be able to write about in the wake of threats from the powers that be.

What this truly highlights for me is that we should always use our work, not matter what we do, to leave a mark in the world.

To leave traces of our hand and being able to have an influence in what people do and think is important.

With the little information I have about André Brink I admire his ability and his courageous personality.

He left his mark in the world as a literary contributor and played an important role as a South African writer.

I hope there is more I can learn about him that I can add to my list of things I admire. ZM

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