Editor's note

A speech for the nation

The time has come once again, for promises to be made and fashionista's to be shamed.

Unless you’ve been living under a rock or the World Cup has shuffled your priorities, the State of the Nation address takes place tonight, at 7pm.

I, for one, am interested in hearing what our beloved President has to say.

The State of the Nation address is an important occasion in the country’s calendar.

It’s also important that we all watch in order to understand the state of our nation and were we are going.

This is expected to be Zuma’s last term in office, and I hope he plans to exit with a bang.

Our economy has taken a knock since the platinum mine strike.

Job creation, health and the economy are just some of the aspects he is expected to address.

But I also hope to see some light-hearted news on the various red carpet ensembles, if the weather in Cape Town permits.

All eyes will be on the man of the night, Julius Malema and his party members … will they grace the evening in overalls and aprons?

Will they live to shock by appearing in their signature Armani suits, with a splash of red and black underlining?

Whichever takes priority in the headlines tomorrow, let’s all watch and see what the next five years will bring.


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