Editor's note

Are you a road hog?

I have come a long way in the five years of having my driver's licence.

Long-gone are the days where I used my middle finger to greet my fellow motorists.

I do still get irate and suffer from severe road rage disorder, but I have managed to bring it under control – depending on the size of the twit on the road.

However hard I bite my tongue, there are still three pet peeves on the road that drive me around the bend and make me lose all sense of reason and perspective.

Pet peeve #1: Cyclists

Now, of all the things that cause frustration on the road, this must be right at the top.

I accept that cycling is a legitimate mode of transport on South African roads.

For many, it is also the only or cheapest way to commute.

It’s the social cyclists (the ones who rarely have leg hair) who are the most annoying, by and large.

These individuals believe they own the road, regardless of the time of day.

They will cycle in groups, side-by-side, on roads that can barely accommodate two cars next to each other, and then get upset with motorists when they drive too close to them.

How are our narrow roads supposed to accommodate cyclists and cars side-by-side without catastrophe striking?

Their argument is that roads should ideally be designed to accommodate cyclists and ensure a 1.5m space from cyclist to vehicle.

There are a few problems with that.

Our road infrastructure will never be able to live up to this.

Also, if cyclists didn’t veer 1.5 metre in the road, they be a lot safer.

Why don’t cycle on roads better equipped for them and cycle in a single file, giving cars the space they need to navigate safely.

Of course there are exceptions.

Pet peeve #2: motorcyclist

Motorcyclist seem to adapt their driving to the traffic situation.

When the road is open they travel as if they are driving a car – in the lanes.

Then, when congestion occurs, they veer in and out of lanes, at high speed, with no warning to motorists.

How are drivers suppose to see the speeding bullets especially when they drive all over the place?

Is this why road deaths involving motorcyclists is so high?

Of course there are exceptions.

Pet peeve #3: robot jumpers

Taxis. Taxis. Taxis.

They are mostly to blame for my f-bombs on the road.

Yes, time is money – I agree, but that doesn’t give you the right to skip every red light, before and after it’s changed to green.

Last Friday I stopped dead still at a robot.

I looked to the right and saw a taxi and another vehicle race through a red light, while the other side’s light was green.

How irresponsible and stupid are you?

The orange light means you should prepare to stop and the red light definitely does not mean you should speed through the intersection.

The delay between the red light at one side and the green light on the other side of the road is also there for a reason, so do not advance through the intersection before the light facing you is green.

Of course there are exceptions to all these road-users, but the guilty ones need to wake the hell up.


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