Drugs worth millions discovered on plot this morning

Millions of rands worth of Mandrax were discovered on a property in Vlakfontein this morning (Sunday March 23).

SAPS forensic teams are currently on scene at the Elm Road plot which had been used as a drug manufacturing laboratory.

The drugs’ estimated street value is not yet clear, but police on the scene said drugs with a mass of approximately 2,5 tons were found at the home.

A thick layer of raw drugs was left to dry on a tennis court at the property.

Police were alerted to area after the house caught alight at around 8.30am this morning.

Capt Mack Mngomezulu, Benoni SAPS cluster media liaison officer, said the fire may have been caused by an explosion.

A neighbour at the property apparently saw smoke emanating from the house and alerted CMS.

According to Mngomezulu, four people (three men and a woman) ran away from the property when CMS arrived on scene.

The fire brigade was summoned, and a Benoni CPF member saw the drug manufacturing equipment and alerted police.

Police found passports of four Lesotho nationals in the house, one woman and three men.

No-one has been arrested.

The Organised Crime Unit will investigate the case.

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  1. Well done guys. Lets all stick together and clear these streets one at a time. We’ll have your backs. Well done again

  2. Where does the “expert” opinion that this was in fact drugs. That is an assumption made by who?
    Who divulged this unfounded rubbish and hear say about the people on the property. They were not Lesotho nationals and they were passports found on the property. Who says they were on the scene when the house caught fire. Please get your facts correct.
    Stan Boss. Benoni Cluster & Crystal Park CPF chairperson. I attended the scene personally

  3. Yet again, more proof that we need to close our borders. Any nationality can just walk into our country.

  4. Ok Stan… in your “expert” opinion what was found on the property? Why don’t you help us all know the facts?

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