BCCI urges businesses to comply with CIPC annual returns

The Benoni Chamber of Commerce and Industries (BCCI) advises all businesses that annual returns must be submitted 30 days before the anniversary of business incorporation.

Returns can be submitted online to www.annualreturns.cipc.co.za, or through any Companies and Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC) Self Service Terminal (SST), or by contacting CIPC on annualreturns@cipc.co.za

n How do I file annual returns?

Annual returns may only be filed electronically via the CIPC Annual Return website at annualreturns.cipc.co.za (no forms are required) or SST.

No manual filings are accepted.

It should be noted that a mere deposit does not constitute filing of annual returns.

For a step-by-step guide on how to navigate or use the functionality on annualreturns.cipc.co.za, refer to annualreturns.cipc.co.za/step four.

Annual returns may be filed using any home, office or internet café computer that has access to the internet.

It should be noted that it is not necessary to visit the CIPC SST to file, although the CIPC SSTs do provide such functionality.

n When must I file annual returns?

Companies must file annual returns within 30 business days from the anniversary date of its incorporation (referred to as due period).

A prescribed legislative fee is payable.

If the company files after the 30 business day period, a late filing fee will be added to the prescribed fee.

For assistance in calculating the outstanding annual returns and fees payable, refer to the CIPC Annual Return website, at annualreturns.cipc.co.za/AR Fee Calculator.

n Are annual returns payable if the company was or is inactive?

Even if the company was or currently is inactive, a prescribed fee is payable when filing the annual return.

n What will be the consequences if annual returns are not filed?

If annual returns are not filed, CIPC will assume that the company is inactive and will start the deregistration process (changing its status to “deregistration process”) in order to remove the company from the register. Once finally deregistered (changing its status to “final deregistered”) the legal personality of the company is withdrawn and it ceases to exist.

For more information on this question, refer to the Information Guide on Annual Returns for www.cipc.co.za/Quick Links /I Want to… /Information Guides), or contact BCCI’s Bajith Panday on 011 849 9599 or at bajith.panday@eduskillsrainbow.co.za.

For BCCI membership enquiries contact the office directly on 011 421 8627.

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