Share your Mandela tributes

Social media is a buzz with tributes and good wishes after the news of Nelson Mandela's death.

The former President of South Africa died at his home in Houghton shortly before 9pm, on Thursday December 5.

Here are some of the comments the City Times has received thus far:

Reader Cindy Kruger commented: “I know we couldn’t expect our hero to live for ever!”

“But what a terribly sad day for each South African regardless of race, age, or faith!

“He was totally the BEST leader we have ever had!

“RIP our beloved hero and leader!

“You will be very sadly missed for generations to come!

“We love u always!”

Adele Viljoen said: “Ek wil my mee gevoel aan die Mandela famielie [gee].

“Dink aan julle deur die hartseer tyd!

“Onthou God het ‘n doel met als al verstaan ons nie altyd nie!

“Maar troos julle daaraan Mandela is op rustige plek en wonderlike plek wat hy nie sal verruil vir niks nie!

“Hy het nou rus en vrede en niks mee pyn en seer nie!

“Sterke aan julle almal dink aan julle!

“Hou God in julle harte hy sal vir julle vrede gee en al die krag wat julle as famielie nodig het!


Gerda de Villiers said on Facebook: “RIP wonderful man!”

What were your reactions when hearing the news of Mandela’s death?

How will he be remembered and how will you honour his legacy?

Submit your comments as well as the suburb you reside in.

Read Mandela’s biography:

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  1. You will be dearly missed TATA,the nation is nothing without you….REST IN PEACE MADIBA

  2. Madiba, jou will surely be missed by your “Rainbow Nation” and mostly the countries Children..Rest in Peace Madiba you touched our Hearts and tought us how to come together as 1.U will be missed but not forgotten..

  3. RIP Madiba you were ana always will remain a legend and hero to all South Africans. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family xxxx

  4. Person who brought freedom for each and every south african plus became an icon for rest of the world is not among us now, its just too sad.

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