Storm wreaks havoc

Last night’s hailstorm, which pelted down golf-sized hail stones, wreaked havoc to many Benonians’ property and left some traumatised.

The City Times received over 50 comments on its Facebook page of the damage caused by the hail shortly after the storm.


“The windows in my house are smashed,” said Cagney van der Riet on the City Times’s Facebook page shortly after the storm.  


‘‘Kids are so traumatised – my eldest has started vomiting.’’


Jason Cothill said: ‘‘It was bad.’’


‘‘My entertainment area’s roof is smashed, pool table soaked, floor soaked, the water even started running into the flat next to the house.


‘‘The garden is also trashed.


‘‘Let’s hope if the storm does come back it’s not as bad.


Good luck to all the fellow Benonians!’’


Tyla Veenendaal said: ‘‘My sister got caught in the hail on her way home from work so her car is damaged.’’


‘‘Just as we are on the way to convincing my two-and-a-half year old nephew that rain is beautiful and the thunder isn’t actually so scary, this happened.


‘‘I don’t think he will be convinced of this for a while.’’


Several other people said cars, carpets, ceilings, windows, amongst others, were damaged by the severe hail.


Another Benonian saw the positive side to the storm.


‘‘My garden here in Rynfield is in its glory, but the rain is welcome,” said Steve Myburgh on Facebook.


“Everything will look beautiful again in a few weeks!


“I will have to get hold of my insurance tomorrow though.”

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  1. We have parking people that parks in our yard , few of thems windows Broke as well as a carck in our house window

  2. South Coast hit bad storms a couple of weeks ago and we had some bad damage…. Insurance Company’s must be on running on there toes nation wide….

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