Investigating officer discusses Vandekeere sighting

The investigating officer in the Jurgen Vandekeere case was shocked at the sighting of the rape and murder accused at an airport in Mozambique, last week.

WO Peter Mbonani said he was stunned at the news of Vandekeere’s sighting in another country.

“I hoped that he was still in South Africa,” he said.

“I feel justice failed the deceased’s family; I testified and told the court he was a flight risk.”

The investigating officer said he will contact the airport where Vandekeere was seen, as well as Interpol (who have already been notified of the sighting), for them to assist with the investigation.

He believes Vandekeere could have changed his identity, as he notified the provincial SAPS and sent them photos of the accused to distribute to the country’s border posts the day after he skipped his court appearance.

Vandekeere is accused of raping and murdering Chantelle Barnard and was reportedly seen at an airport in Maputo, in Mozambique, on Wednesday, last week.

Beeld reported, on November 8, that one of their journalists and a photographer were at the airport when the photographer spotted a man who he thought he had photographed before.

They later established that it was Jurgen Vandekeere.

Vandekeere was due to appear in the Delmas High Court on September 9, for the start of his trial.

He failed to appear in court on the day and has been on the run since.

Barnard’s mother, Suzette, was contacted by Beeld and her advocate shortly after the sighting.

“I cannot tell you how I felt when I heard of the sighting, the mother said on Friday afternoon.

“It felt like my heart was ripped out; I want closure for the killing of my child.”

Suzette said she is “in a state” and is very angry that the man accused of killing her child is on the run.

“It feels like Im losing my mind,” she added.

“I stepped out of the office today (Friday), and said: ‘I cant carry on anymore.'”

The emotional mother said she would go and pray at her daughters grave in the Alberton Cemetery on the afternoon of November 8.

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