Racing team looking for aspiring kart racers

"We want to use our knowledge to develop aspiring racers, in particular those from underprivileged communities."

On the back of their recent involvement in the Tillotson Series T4 Nations Cup in Spain, the father and son racing team wants to use their experience to introduce the series to children of all races across South Africa.

Founder Jimmy Tebbutt explained they want to use their knowledge to develop aspiring racers, in particular, those from underprivileged communities.

Furthermore, Tebbutt explained that the lack of information on kart racing made it impossible to expand their footprint across the country.

“We intend to get all children involved. There are very talented drivers out there we can help develop. We want to share our knowledge with people of all races. We race as one,” he said.

Also Read: Trompie to go for it in Spain

The father and son racing team.

Tebbutt stated that despite many misconceptions about motor sport being an expensive industry, the Tillotson series is affordable, adding that this is where South Africa’s next world champion will come from.

“It’s a four-stroke series that saves you money. What’s nice about it is that you can compete overseas and become a world champion.

“It’s an amazing and fast-growing series. In my opinion, it’s going to be the best series in South Africa.”

The petrol head started the team in 2019 with his son, Ricardo, racing in the oval closed-circuit before moving to the road course at Formula K Raceway after the pandemic.

“The club grew after people showed interest in joining us. We have around 25 members. After moving here, we dominated every class we raced in.”

The father and son racing team.

This success was achieved through the involvement of parents which Tebbutt explained is the foundation of the team.

“We try to show parents that they can be involved in racing. It’s not always about taking your child to a trainer and then folding your arms.

“We want the team to grow. We want to get all children involved. We don’t care if your child finishes last. We want him or her in our team so that we can show you the bond we share as the father and son/daughter team,” he said.

The team is known for its competitiveness on the track but Tebbutt stated it is not always about the results, explaining that finishing is their main goal.

Tjaden Tromp

“Any race we finish is a success. It doesn’t matter where you end. We strive to get better. If we finish on the podium, it’s a bonus.”

The club’s mission now is preparing their drivers for next year’s Tillotson T4 Nations Cup.

“Going into this series and seeing the professionalism was amazing. I want to bring all that to South Africa and show everybody how a series should be run.”

Also Read: Track incident spoils Tromp’s European bow


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