Club grades members to black belt

Those who may be interested in joining the club may contact Sensei Janien Potgieter on 082 970 8638 or Sensei John Barnett on 082 450 0069.

The New World Shotokan Karate Benoni Dojo recently graded three of its karatekas to black belt.

Senseis Alva Shortt and Antonio Martins were graded to nidan (second black belt) while senpai Hannah Dickson received her first black belt.

Janien Potgieter, Rokudan (sixth dan) and senior instructor, told the City Times that they were rewarded for their hard work and perseverance throughout the years.

“These karatekas pushed through the challenges brought on by lockdown, which resulted in the closure of dojos in 2020 and 2021.

“Despite these challenges, they continued to train hard and their hard work and dedication was acknowledged through successful gradings,” she said.

Potgieter added that the organisation was happy to see its long-serving members get the recognition they deserve.

“Sensei Alva started in 2012. He joined the organisation after seeing his son on the floor and through his dedication to the craft, he has been graded to nidan.

“Senpai Hannah, who is 17 years old, started in 2015 shortly after her brother joined. She witnessed a training session between all the brown and black belts and was hooked from then.

“Sensei Antonio joined our organisation as a brown belt in 2011. He has done karate for most of his life albeit with a different organisation. It was a challenging journey for him to learn our style but he persevered and graded to nidan.”

The dojo is under the tutelage of Shotokan karate legend and senior instructor John Barnett.

Barnett, an eighth dan, started in karate in 1960 at the Benoni Karate and Judo Centre where he cut his teeth under Sensei Tony van der Laan.

He told the paper that learning the sport is exciting but requires discipline.

“Learning karate is fun but the discipline behind it is the discipline of respect, which is sadly lacking in the world today,” he said.

Also Read: Senseis Barnett and Potgieter grade up

Barnett graded to his first black belt in 1972 in Scotland while he graded to nidan in 1974. He received his fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh belts in Japan under martial arts and karate stalwart Hitoshi Kasuya.

He graded to hathidan (eighth belt) under the guidance of the late New World Shotokan Karate founder Nigel Jackson 2018.

Those who may be interested in joining the club may contact Sensei Janien Potgieter on 082 970 8638 or Sensei John Barnett on 082 450 0069.

Also Read: The Dojo rewards hard workers


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