JKA Karate reflects on a great year

The 2021 year-end awards were presented at the JKA Karate prize-giving.

Benoni JKA Karate held its prize-giving recently, with some demonstrations as well as snacks and cold drinks.

The 2021 year-end awards went to:

• Daegan Kurten: Best attendance and consistent endeavour (junior)

• Brandon Prince: Dedicated and consistent endeavour (senior)

• Emidio Martins: Dedicated and consistent progress

• Gideon van Vollenstee: Best spirit

• Patricia Resch: Best achievement – 1st Kyu Brown and National Shodan Gradings

Four students received medals for excellence in Kata and Kumite in a club-friendly competition held in Edenvale in October.

These four students won all their rounds in both Kata ad Kumite:

• Elsebe Koorsen

• Daegan Kurten

• Emidio Martins

• Gideon Van Vollenstee

“We have had a successful year considering the difficulties due to Covid-19 restrictions, including Zoom classes from my garage in July during the third wave,” explained Sensei Mike Forner.

“Provincial and national tournaments were, unfortunately, cancelled this year but luckily for us, the Dojo is growing steadily with numerous enquiries received for the new year already.”

Forner said the highlights of the year include three club gradings, outdoor spring training at Homestead Lake in September, a successful friendly club competition, a national dan grading in November where Patricia Resch completed an excellent Shodan (black belt) grading and lastly, their year-end function, which was held on December 11 where various students performed demonstrations and year end-awards were presented.

“We look forward to an even better 2022,” he concluded.

Training classes take place on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings, as well as Saturday mornings.

The Dojo closed for the holidays on December 15 and reopens on January 12.


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