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Softball is not so soft!

The Southern Champs league has begun and Northerns are whacking balls out of the park!

The Benoni Northerns Softball teams are taking part in the Southern Champs league and Team A and B both competed on October 16 in two games each at the Benoni Northerns Sport Ground.

Results for team A:

• Benoni Northerns A vs Mets 30-3 and Benoni Northerns A vs Bulls 15-0

Results for team B:

• Benoni Northerns B vs Bulls 8 – 15 and Benoni Northerns B vs Mets 10 – 26

Coaches Gary Tromp (A team) and Carrie Evans (B team) both agreed in saying, “It was a good day for softball, hot weather and players were keen to play. It was so nice to see the senior players playing against junior players, as this enabled them to teach the youngsters the game thus growing the softball league.”

Their next games will take place on Saturday, October 23, at Benoni Northerns Sports Ground from 14.00 to 16.00.


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