Liebensbergvlei River Race

Numerous paddlers from the Ekurhuleni Kayak Club based at Homestead dam, who live in the surrounding suburbs, enjoyed the opportunity.

The Standard Bank One Day Liebensbergvlei River Race took place on November 21, starting at the Reitz Water Treatment Centre and finishing in Tweeling, a distance of some 33km to the Zorgvliet farm where the paddlers take out the river.


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Numerous paddlers from the Ekurhuleni Kayak Club based at Homestead Dam, who live in the surrounding suburbs, enjoyed the opportunity to race in exciting conditions, with the leading East Rand paddler being Michael Stewart who finished in two hours and six minutes, as the first master category paddler and fourth place overall.

His son Liam Stewart was the second East Rander across the finish line in a time of two hours and 13 minutes, seven minutes after his father, and as the tenth K1 (single kayak), fifth u-23 paddler, while Mike Barry finished in two hours and 30 minutes as fifth sub grand master (55 years+).

The Liebensbergvlei River continues to flow towards Frankfort and ultimately empties into the Vaal Dam.

The water originates in the Ash River in Clarens where it is pumped from the Lesotho Highlands Water Project, so it is often chilly with melted snow.


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Despite the long drive to the river for Gautengers, it’s worthwhile as there are few rivers with exciting white water rapids to enjoy closer in Gauteng and it is always enjoyable to enjoy a different river with wave trains, rapids and fast flow of clean clear water through the farmlands of the Free State.


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