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Help NPO football team kick off

The TX Titans Football Academy (NPO) are in urgent need of a sporting ground to play at and practise on.

Trevor Mzwakhe Xaba, a Daveyton resident, recently started an NPO football team, the TX Titans Football Academy, and they are in urgent need of playing grounds to use.

“I’m a coach at Benoni Northerns but it has always been a dream to have my own academy,” he explained.

“This comes after realising that township children (players) don’t get opportunities like other children do, so I started introducing some of these players at Northerns.

“The club subsidised my division for a long time, which I am very grateful for. They have also made me the coach l am today.”

Trevor believes that the talent township children possess cannot be ignored.

Trevor Mzwakhe Xaba recently started an NPO football team and needs grounds to play on. Photo: Supplied.

“That’s why I started TX Titans. I believe all children are equal and deserve equal opportunities.

“We’ve registered TX Titans Football Academy as an NPO to hopefully get help from sponsors, donations and participation from parents,” he explained.


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Trevor has been coaching for five years and football is a sport he really enjoys and played as a youngster himself.

“I started at Daveyton Swallows FC u-10 to u-14, then played for Old Bens FC u-17 before joining Benoni Spurs u-19 in 2005.

“Here l played with Trevor Mathiane and Musa Nyatama, who both currently play for Lamontville Golden Arrows and Swallows FC, respectively.

“I still play football because I love it and I really enjoy working with children and teaching them everything I now know,” he explained.

“There is a team that’s willing to rent us grounds but it’s a bit far and there is a local school here in Benoni that I am currently in discussion with.

“We would appreciate help with grounds in or around Benoni.”


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The team currently has three divisions, u-8, u-15 and u-17.

“I’ve been doing house-to-house coaching with a few of the boys. We are not practising nor playing because we don’t have grounds yet and I am the only coach.

“If we get grounds I can kick off next year with a bang,” Trevor concluded.

The TX Titans are able to cover an affordable rent for the use of the grounds.

If you can help the team in any way contact coach Trevor on 072 917 2117 (WhatsApp) or call 072 611 0754.


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