Local sportSport

Register your child for cricket at Old Bens

Registration will be open for Old Benonian's junior cricket teams at the club, corner of President Brand and President Boshoff roads, Rynfield, on October 17.

The United Cricket Club, which started as a junior club 11 years ago, recently changed its name to Old Benonians and has its own home field at Old Bens.


Cricket career comes into full circle

The age groups are as follows:

• U-12 (born 2008/09), u-10 (born 2010/11) and u-8 (born 2012/13).

• Make sure to bring a copy of your child’s birth certificate.

• Registration will be open from 10am to 12 noon.

There has also been a golf day organised to raise money for the teams to put netting in at Old Bens.

The player fee includes dinner and you can also sponsor a hole if you would rather not play.


Help save Old Bens

The golf day will take place on October 21 at the Benoni Lake Club, registration starts at 10am with tee-off at 11.30am.

For more information on the golf day or registration for the junior cricket teams, contact Corrie Botha on 063 133 4697 or Madelyn Kruger on 082 893 1512.


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