Lose the weight, win the bait!

Melanie has been keeping herself busy with her weight-loss challenges and even doing some of the virtual ones held throughout lockdown.

With Covid-19 turning the world upside down, people from all over have had to find ways to adapt to the new normal.

Melanie Timm, mother to Connor Timm, was immensely excited at the start of this year as her son was chosen as one of the karate students to travel to New York, USA, to compete in the International World Championships.


Raising funds to live the dream

The Timm family needed to raise at least R100 000 before the championships in July, which originally didn’t leave them with much time.

So Melanie got stuck in hosting fund-raisers and doing her very own weight-loss challenges to come up with the money.

Then the virus hit.

“The karate championship has been postponed to 2021, more than likely around June/July when it’s usually held,” explained Melanie.

“Obviously, we will need to wait and see what restrictions are in place in the new year, but we are optimistic that it will go ahead as planned.

“We decided to put a hold on all fund-raising with many people not being able to work and some not earning anything.


#Lockdown: determined mom weighs in on fitness challenges

“We will wait for the peak to pass and then hopefully people will be back on their feet near the end of the year so that we can continue,” she continued.

“Once restrictions are lifted fully and its safe to do so we will stage a golf day at Benoni Country Club, hopefully around October or November.

“In the meantime, I have managed to sign up on another weight-loss challenge with an American site called Healthy Wage.

“You place a bet on yourself and your prize is determined by the amount of weight you want to lose and the time period you choose to lose it in.

“I started this personal challenge in July and it will run until May, 2021.

“I am currently also participating in a team challenge which finishes on the October 23 this year.

“I am part of a team of five amazing ladies and the grand prize for the winners is $10 000.

“The prize will be split between the team members giving each person $2000.

“We are currently ranked fourth out of 48 teams.

“This is my focus in the meantime until we are able to get going on other fundraisers.”

Melanie has been keeping herself busy with her weight-loss challenges and even doing some of the virtual ones held throughout lockdown.

“I participated in the Shuffle Walk Virtual Walk Cancer fund-raiser on the July 26.

“I chose to do the 10km and did it at the Korsmans Sanctuary in Lakefield.

“It was an amazing day for an amazing cause.

“As soon as we are completely out of lockdown with no more restrictions and I am able to hold another fund-raiser, we will definitely be getting back on track.

“Connor really wants to attend the championship, and I am going to make sure I do everything in my power to make it possible,” said Melanie.


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