Raising funds to live the dream

Melanie and Connor need your help Benoni.

Melanie Timm is a Benoni resident and single mom who is doing what any single mom would do, fighting for her baby.

Connor Timm has been chosen as one of the karate students to travel to Red Hook, New York, USA, to compete in the International World Championships with his Rynfield dojo, which will take place on July 2 and 3.

The Timm family needs to raise at least R100 000 before the championships in July, which doesn’t leave them with much time.

Connor started karate a year ago and has been dominating the sport ever since, winning awards such as the most disciplined award.


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“He deserves this and has worked very hard for it,” said his mom.

“One of the main reasons that led Connor to this karate journey is being bullied, which happened a lot due to Connor being shy, which was mistaken by other children as weakness.

“Since he joined karate he has gained not only self defence skills, but his confidence has also been boosted drastically.”

Unfortunately, being a single mom, Melanie is struggling to afford to send Connor overseas.

She had a second job, but the contract ended recently and this has left her at a standstill.

“I had to cancel my medical aid and everything else I could just to keep us going,” Melanie explained.

“When I sat Connor down to tell him I won’t be able to afford to send him he was nothing but understanding, placid and loveable towards me and the situation and this just made it harder for me to say no – I couldn’t just give up.

“I have friends of mine who are paying for his karate lessons for the next few months just so I don’t have to pull him out.

“It’s tough, not being able to send your child where he would like to go or being able to give them what they want, but I am not going to give up,” said Melanie.

She will be hosting fund-raisers as well as completing a weight-loss challenge in order to raise the funds to take Connor overseas, to help him live his dream.

The first fund-raiser takes place at Fahrenheit Benoni on February 6 at 5pm and everyone is invited to be part of this special occasion at which, when you are seated in Connor and Melanie’s section, 20 per cent of your bill will go towards Connor’s dream of competing in America.

The second fund-raiser will be at the Festival Mall Ice Rink in Kempton Park on March 7 from 5.30pm to 7pm.

Melanie’s dad helped her to rent the ice rink for a few hours. Proceeds from entrance fees and skate hire will also go towards Connor’s trip.

While all of this is going on, Melanie will also be doing her own weight-loss challenge.

Her aim is to lose 11kg and she would like to inspire everyone to donate per each kilogram she loses.

Watch the City Times for more info on their fund-raising efforts or contact Melanie on 079 522 4524.

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