Fun on the run

Logan Green, sports journalist, writes:


I cannot believe that it has been a year since I wrote my first blog about my participation in the 5km run of the 2014 Rowlin National Night Race.

On Wednesday night, November 4, the 2015 version of Benoni Northerns Athletics Club’s festive race returned to the streets of Rynfield and, as usual, it was a blast, particularly with a new glow theme.

What made the event even better this year is that it was dedicated to the late Nathan Miles, who I spotted last year taking on the 5km to create awareness for people with disabilities.

I was informed that my column in the City Times back in August helped spark the idea for sponsors Rowlin National Brokers to initiate the kind dedication.

He was an incredible young lad who touched the hearts and souls of many Benonians and I am extremely delighted and humbled that my words helped catapult such a wonderful tribute.

It just goes to show the power of the pen and the reach of community press.

The Apricot Tree, a Northmead-based centre of stimulation and development for children with intellectual and/or physical disabilities, was also on hand to eliminate negative perceptions about and give positive exposure to children with problems similar to that which Nathan had to deal with in his life.

They brought along some of their kiddies to meet community members and have some fun.

I, refusing to idly sit back and just snap pics, put the camera aside for a little bit and hit the streets with my pal Darryn de Kock, to soak up the atmosphere of the popular event and to get some much needed exercise under the belt.

I considered running the 10km, but with absolutely zero training and a dodgy left ankle I decided to take on the slightly easier 5km.

We smashed the distance in 24 minutes, but that’s neither here nor there.

It was about the people – the community.

Even my mother was standing outside our house in Baines Street, supporting the runners with a Christmas-themed apron and two cold beers for Darryn and I.

Needless to say, we refused that sweet nectar of the gods as we were on a serious running mission (the first time I think I have ever turned down a brew) and continued on our path.

A big thank you must go to the members of Northerns, who served as marshals along the route, and to the community, who handed out liquids at various water points and offered words of encouragement.

In this modern South Africa the spirit of community is often lacking or virtually non-existent, so to see some spirit and old-fashioned gees back on the streets of Benoni is just top-class stuff.

All in all, it was a fantastic event and I highly recommend that anyone who has never been a part of it get involved in the next one in 2016.

I will certainly see you there!


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