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Conditions affect Middleburg race

The Benoni Homing Society basketed their birds for the last middle distance race of the season, from Middleburg, about 670km away.

The birds were liberated at 9am and, due to the overcast weather, the first bird home, that of George de Necker and Joe Gomes, clocked in at 5.24.44pm, at a velocity of 1 331.785mpm.

This secured their third consecutive win and their fifth win of the season.

TNT Lofts scored a third place in this race and this secured their title of middle distance champion.

  • Results from the Middleburg race are: 1 G de Necker/J Gomes 1 331.785mpm, 2 S Dowd 1 329.206mpm, 3 TNT Lofts 1 321.822mpm, 4 Jaco Faul 1 321.278mpm, 5 VD Merwes 1 318.880mpm.
  • Overall club standings: 1 Andries Small 694 points, 2 John Field 679 points, 3 Jaco Faul 644 points, 4 TNT Lofts 642 points, 5 G de Necker/J Gomes 607 points.

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