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Golden girl Maweni eyes Rio

Strong-willed, determined and dogged.

These are just some of the adjectives that can be used to describe 15-year-old Lebo Maweni, a pupil at St Francis College.

The Grade 10 pupil, who suffers from osteomyelitis, following a car accident in Welkom, in 2006, participated in the recent Nedbank National Championships for Physically Disabled, in Stellenbosch, and returned home with three gold medals in shot-put, javelin and discus, in the u-18 age category.

Maweni, representing Gauteng, also broke the South African age category record for javelin at the national championships.

It was the learner’s first trip to the Cape and she found it very exciting to be there.

“I would sleep for only about four hours at a time, because I did not want to miss a thing,” Maweni said.

She is not only a golden girl when it comes to field events, but is also a strong performer in the classroom and among the Top Ten academic achievers in her grade.

Her goals include doing well academically and qualifying for the 2016 Rio Paralympics.

The young athlete offered advice to people in similar situations to herself: “Dream big and never give up, because the sky is the limit.

“There is no use crying over spilled milk; sitting down and moping around will not get you anywhere,” she said.

She reserved special praise for her mother, who has supported her and kept her calm since the accident.

Maweni also thanked all her schoolmates, who have helped her to readjust since she returned to the school after some time at Hope School for the Disabled.

Dian Cockcroft, principal of St Francis College, said: “I have such admiration for this young lady.

“She has managed to turn her whole life around and is proactive, fantastic and humble.”

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