Growing grass an eyesore in Ekurhuleni

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Anonymous writes:

On my way home from work recently, I was struck by the absolute neglect for our surroundings that had taken place in the whole of Ekurhuleni.

Whether driving on the highway or in the suburbs, all you see is weeds growing, grass so long that a person could get lost in it and sunflowers growing rampant on the pavements.

The debris lying everywhere is disgusting.

As for the potholes, they have become like small swimming pools on all roads, whether main or subsidiary roads.

Over the past two years, I have damaged my tires twice because of potholes.

I want to know from our esteemed mayor what is being done about this. What are the people employed at the municipality doing?

Every employee, including the councillors at the municipality, should be ashamed of themselves for the state our roads, pavements and lakes.

Your job is to keep our environment safe, clean and pleasing to the eye.

Well, you have failed miserably in the job you are being paid for.

What are you doing to earn the salary you are getting?

I am writing this in total disgust for the system that has collapsed.

We as law-abiding, tax-paying citizens are seeing our hard-earned rands being squandered on everything, but what we are paying for.

Hopefully, you as a municipality, whom we rely on, open your eyes soon and start a major clean-up and fix our roads.

People are getting tired of having to live in squallier, so sort it out.


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