Stormwater drains need proper maintenance

This problem originated over 25 years ago.

René van Heerden writes:

I have a vast amount of footage and photos taken of flooding on our property as result of inadequate storm water drainage.

This problem originated over 25 years ago.


Lack of service delivery results in flooding at a couple’s Northmead property

My parents were in contact with the municipality, and explanations and excuses ranged from no funds available to fix the problem to water entering the property because my father “laid a driveway”.

Because of no response or feedback, we accepted we were not to going be assisted.

To avoid further damage to property (externally and internally) we had no choice but to improvise (at our own expense) with alternative methods to divert the storm water – which only helps to a point in time until we receive more that 50mm of rain.

Editor’s Note: The City Times received the above letter following the publication of the article ‘My house was underwater due to their negligence’ in the January 17 edition. The article highlighted the plight faced by Northmead couple Karen and Darryl Jones when their property was flooded due to a lack of stormwater drain maintenance after heavy rains. The City Times is still awaiting comment from the metro and ward 27 Clr Jacques Meiring regarding the Jones’ property.


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