
Litter, a growing concern for some Benonians

"Have people really reached that point in their lives that they accept this as a norm?"

Leslie Young writes:

Following the recent heavy rains, I was heartbroken when driving through the centre of ‘town’ early the next morning.

The debris and filth that lay in our roads was horrible.

Storm-water drains had overflowed and the resultant filth made me terribly sad to see.


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I watched some people walking through the debris as though it didn’t exist, whilst other people skirted around the clumps of litter.

Although I am aware of the fact that the Ekurhuleni metro does have street cleaners, I hardly ever see them doing their jobs.

Can anyone advise?

Have people really reached that point in their lives that they accept this as a norm?

It’s an ongoing problem and the chances of me arranging for a clean-up with some like-minded people will definitely not guarantee a solution – permanent or temporary.

People are too used to just dumping their wrappers and litter on the streets they walk on and people aren’t prepared to pick them up unless they get paid.

Schools don’t even worry about cleaning their immediate surroundings either, so it’s a lose-lose situation.

This makes me sad and my over-active imagination brings images of our beautiful planet being drowned by litter.


Please, Benoni citizens, we all need to take responsibility.

Wake up and start doing something.


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