
EMPD warns against supporting beggars

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Anonymous writes:

There is a new trend of begging going on in Farrarmere and Northmead.

On Great North Road and Cloudy Street there is a beggar on all fours at the intersection.

This is very dangerous for himself and for drivers and also very unnecessary.

There is also a beggar by the service station up the road who is shouting and swearing at drivers and talking to himself.

I remember a few years ago there was a story about the guy with the one leg and crutches that also caused a few issues.

I think something needs to be done about this and would make a great story on beggars and the rules, regulations and what we as motorist must and must not do.


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Editor’s Note:

EMPD spokesperson, Chief-Supt Wilfred Kgasago said there are no specific by-law provisions pertaining to beggars. Beggars who encroach into the intersections and onto the roadways actually contravene the National Road Traffic Act which prohibits pedestrians from lingering onto roadways.

The challenge here is that people who are up to no good and masquerade as beggars get involved in smash and grabs. Worse still, there could be those whose intention is to hijack vehicles.

Hence the metro police every so often chase beggars away from these intersections.

A beggar who is run over because he or she was contravening the law is a matter that is decided upon by the courts.

We have mentioned it before, and we shall reiterate our stand on motorists being “humane and compassionate” and giving beggars at intersections money or food – this will obviously encourage them to frequent the intersection which will in turn create serious problems for both authorities and motorists.

We implore motorists to be hawk-eyed at intersections and not to roll down windows to give money or food to beggars.

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