
LETTER: Multitude of problems at council-owned flats need attention

Other social ills need to be resolved first, said Zamo Scott

Zamo Scott writes:

I’ve recently read the article about lifts coming soon to council-owned flats and I just have a few concerns regarding that.

Send your letters to bctletters@caxton.co.za 

I’m a resident of Karachi Court in Actonville and I’d like to know how safe it will be to access these lifts.

We are currently parking our cars in an unsecured area where everybody has access to do whatever they want.

It’s nauseating to use the stairs in the flats as you always see young boys smoking drugs openly without a care if small children are watching them or not.

Using the stairs late at night is not safe as there aren’t lights on some floors.

How will these lifts be of benefit to the flat residents if we are not properly dealing with the drug issues as well as other safety concerns we have? I personally feel these lifts will be used by nyaope addicts to do their drug deals on a better scale.


LETTER: Are you also annoyed by motorists on this road?

Can’t the budget for the lifts be used for better things like running drug programmes or facilities to boost the unemployed youth?

I might not seem keen on the lifts, but if we could be given some sense of surety that it will be safe to use for residents and not a campsite for druggies I will be happy.

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