LETTER: Are you also annoyed by motorists on this road?

The EMPD has been asked to comment on the issue.

Eugene Hawley writes:

I am not sure what to do or who to contact regarding the temporary one-way on Dalrymple Street in Northmead.

Send your letters to bctletters@caxton.co.za 

In pure frustration, I am writing to the Benoni City Times as a plea for assistance because I know that you are the voice of the Benoni community and, if anyone, you will be able to get the necessary response.

As per the clear signs posted from 14th Avenue all the way in a northerly direction it is a one-way street between 7am and 8am and the same again from 1pm until 2.30pm.

As a parent who has a child attending one of the schools along Dalrymple Street, I must commute the street in order to drop my child at school. So, needless to say, I travel the road in the time zones when it is designated as a one-way.

And, being the naive law-abiding person I am, I am not going against the status quo.

On numerous occasions, I have seen cars coming up against the one-way in the same lane as I am travelling.

In the few minutes that I use the road, I am sometimes able to count at least three cars going the wrong way.


LETTER: Beggars need an intervention

As per the road rules they are in the wrong, but I find myself moving over for them.

This is frustrating as I feel that I am in the right, but because the other motorist feels entitled, they do not wave a sorry or even make any effort to move off the road.

On April 5 I stopped at the end of Dalrymple (on the corner of 14th Avenue) on the right-hand side in order to turn right into 14th Avenue. Two cars had to swing out of the way as they had their indicators on to turn up Dalrymple and a third car stopped in the middle of the road to allow me to proceed so that they could go up the one way behind me.

Please, could you advise as to who is right and who is wrong?

Are these one-way zones only applicable to some motorists?

If so, what must I do to obtain such a privilege?

Where are the traffic officers who should be enforcing the road rules?

Or should I drop my law-abiding attitude, stop following the status quo and take matters into my own hands?

Editor’s note:

This letter was sent to the EMPD.

The City Times was awaiting the response at the time of going to print.

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