LETTER: Rubbish bins leave sour taste

Not all refuse is being collected.

Peter Bachtis writes:

Week after week the garbage trucks diligently collect garbage.

Send your letters to bctletters@caxton.co.za 

However, the new bin arrangement appears to have given these individuals power, as they throw off garbage bags if they slightly jut out of the bin.

I confronted the collectors recently and, in unison, they told me where to get off.


LETTER: Cat expert needed to answer this question

Well, as a ratepayer, I demand that all my garbage is collected, even if the bag juts out.

Benoni streets are now littered with garbage bags, because these individuals lack the discipline to perform.

Soon the workers will go on strike to demand higher wages.

Autocratic and draconian management is required to get discipline going among the rank and file of the cleansing department.

Editor’s note:

The letter was sent to the Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality.

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