BlogsEditor's noteOpinion

LG’s Blog: My top blogs from 2017

Logan Green, sports journalist, writes:

It’s December and you know what that means:


Today is my last day of work for the outgoing year and it sure has been a busy one.

Man, isn’t it great to be alive?

Besides the Zuptas, van Bredas, Steinhoffs and lack of water in the Cape (among others), 2017 has actually been a good one and has schooled me in a variety of new stuff.

Our blogs on won the Best of Ekurhuleni Award for Best Blog (thank you, thank you very much) and we had a big year of general and sports stories.



I have experienced and learned innumerable things.

These lessons are listed in my musings from the past year.

1. I learned that long distance running is hardcore

Hard to the core, bru!

This year was the one where I stepped up my pursuit of a Comrades Marathon finish.

I opened my mouth back in 2016 and now I am actually going ahead with this ultra distance running nonsense.

Apart from the sore muscles, hot sun, blood, sweat and tears, it’s actually been one of the biggest jols of my life.

If you are a fervent follower of my blog posts, you’re probably sick of me and my yapping about running.

Anyway, the latest on that:

LG’s BLOG: Things I learned (and am still learning) about road running after completing my first marathon


2. I learned that Benoni is made up by the numbers

BLOG: LG’s Benoni by the numbers

3. I learned that you can have fun and find inspiration from anyone



Things I learned in the Kingdom of the Zulu and at Comrades (by a guy who didn’t run the Comrades) 2.0


4. I learned that you can arrange a wedding in three days

BLOG: LG’s ‘Keeping up with Benoni’s Kardashians’ #MarriedInAFlash


5. I learned that South Africa is the most wondrous place you can imagine

BLOG: LG’s A to Z of a South African road trip

It really is wondrous!

Thank you to all the readers of my blogs this year.

As you can see it has been one helluva epic journey.


I’m off to Mozambique for the first time ever.

You can bet your last Madiba (or Metical) that I will return with more stories and lessons to share.

Peace be da journey!


* Please note that this is an opinion piece and that the views expressed here do not necessarily reflect the views of the Benoni City Times or Caxton Newspapers.

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