Councillor, please answer these questions

Peter Bachtis writes:

After a period of months in the chair, our DA councillor needs to give feedback to the constituents as to the progress or lack thereof that has been made.

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My biggest concern is that there is a lack of visibility and aggressive political demands being made on this ANC-led council, to make much-needed improvements.

It is all well and good to hold a lofty official position, but the requirement is that regular feedback is given.

As a business owner in Western Extension, I have not seen the DA aggressively sorting out the pimps, the prostitutes, the drug houses, the filth on street corners, the disgusting state of the swimming pool and the shocking state of Elston Avenue (closest to the CBD).

If anything is being done, it is by concerned residents and the CPF.

I urge our DA councillor to become more visible as a high level of energy is required to perform.

I look forward to a detailed feedback via the BCT as to what achievements have been made over the past six months.

Editor’s note:

Sinethemba Matiwane, Ward 73 Clr, replies:

• I have held meetings with community members with regards to service delivery, which I have done via public meetings in Western Extension and throughout the ward, whether it be IDP, CPF or residents’ meetings which I get invited to.
To advertise the meetings I have done loud hailing, posters, pamphlets.
In Western Extension people do not attend meetings – you will get the usual number every time.

• In terms of visibility, as I have stated previously, I do engage the ward with regards to the most important service delivery issues.
I have held meetings where the community has been informed about water cuts, electricity or other issues.
I communicate with my WhatsApp service delivery group regularly. My role of councillor is also to educate residents on how to report service delivery issues since CoE approved the Customer Service Standards 2017/18 which is on the CoE website and which I also distribute via WhatsApp to residents.
We are fortunate as Ward 73 as the Benoni Customer Care is situated in the ward and within walking distance from Western Extension, but residents do not use that privilege to report service delivery issues.
As the resident clearly stated that he is aware that the council is led by ANC, the municipality has 112 wards and the budget needs to be shared in those wards, so no miracle can be done with projects allocated to wards.
The budget is insufficient to fix all potholes, retar streets, build houses, upgrade the sewer system, change ailing infrastructure, create jobs, etc.

• For the resident’s information, I work hand-in-hand with the police, CPF to report and curb crime.
How do you arrest a pimp? On what charge?
The prostitutes can only be arrested when they are caught in the act; it is not my role to chase every car that picks up prostitutes in the street – it is the duty of the SAPS.
With regards to drug houses, the owners lease out their houses to people fronting for drug dealers and do not reside in Ward 73.
There have been many successes with regards to drug houses where some have been closed, but the following day, two or three spring up.
Again, if residents do not report suspicious behaviour to cops where there is a lot of traffic at your neighbour’s house day in and day out, we will never win the war on drugs.
The filth on street corners is as a result of residents who did not collect their dustbins at number 4 Golden Drive, Morehill, which has been preached even before I became a councillor.
It is not only Western Extension but spread across the metro.
Again a councillor cannot police illegal dumping as it is residents who dump their rubbish at night on corners in open spaces.
It is clear that the resident does not know my relationship with CPF.
We recently went to clean by the Benoni Central Swimming Pool on a Saturday, but by Monday morning people had dumped everything they could around the pool.

• How does a councillor become more visible in Western Extension or Ward 73?
Does the resident know how big Ward 73 is?
Did the resident ever think that people – not only in Western Extension – work during the day?
People have secured themselves behind high fences and security gates and would not open for strangers at night. Does the resident know that body corporates/renting agencies of the complexes or flats do not allow entry if not a resident, let alone a political party?
Does the resident know that people – not only in Western Extension – do not attend meetings, even if it is advertised?
When a pothole is repaired or grass is cut by the municipality should I loud hail or write a letter to the BCT to show that I’m active and visible?
In closing, I urge all residents to utilise the 24/7 CoE Call Centre number 0860 54 3000 or phone 011 999 6429 during office hours to report service delivery issues.
If the problem is not attended to within the turnaround time, they are free to send it to me via email to or SMS me on 082 390 4839.
If a resident does not have a dustbin please collect one at number 4 Golden Drive, Morehill.
If you see a crime being committed please report it to SAPS on 10111.

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Benoni SPCA appreciates funds

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