Up to motorists to prevent bunny carnage

Jan de Beer writes:

Benonians now no longer have to visit the Bunny Park to pity its rabbit population: they merely have to drive anywhere near the park to pray that this cruel facility soon shuts its gates forever.

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Since the bunnies have returned to their park, dozens of rabbits are running free in all the streets around the Bunny Park.

These poor creatures, not used to exposure to motor vehicles, run for their lives in a wild panic to prevent landing under wheels.

For safety, many plunges into a storm water drain probably never able to reach street level again.

I have already seen flattened rabbit corpses lie on and next to the roads to where these poor creatures, it would appear, can escape to at will as the Bunny Park fencing simply does not keep them inside anymore.

How could a situation like this be allowed to happen?

The old fencing at least kept the bunnies inside, even if they were exposed to disease and other horrors inside.

To make matters worse, this Sunday morning there were heaps of cabbage leaves on the pavement at the bottom of Davidson Street, clearly left there for the free-roaming bunnies by a well-meaning but misguided resident.

Several bunnies were feasting on these cabbages outside the park with cars whizzing by just centimetres from the hapless animals.

With food feasts waiting on the sidewalks of suburbia, more and more bunnies will try what appears a simple escape route.

The reality is that motorists have to dodge bunnies all over Benoni nowadays.

Apart from crossing Miles Sharpe Street daily to feed at the grounds outside the church opposite the Bunny Park, the bunnies now make their way towards Northmead Square via Davidson Street, to several other Rynfield streets, Pretoria Road, Malherbe Street, you name it: they are all over. Incredulously, I have even seen bunnies about to cross the pedestrian bridge over the N12 on their way to Voortrekker Street.

The CBD is no place for a bunny who could well end up as rabbit stew or be filling for bunny chow.

In the past week, I have on at least four occasions had to slam on brakes to avoid hitting a bunny in a Benoni street.

How would young children feel if their father or mother killed an adorable bunny in a bloody accident while they were in the car?

Such trauma stays with children, and no driver with any heart would enjoy it either.

This is now surely a matter for the SPCA to take up with the municipal authorities.

Either find a way of fencing the place properly, or shut the Bunny Park down.

It was once the pride of Ekurhuleni, but as one setback caused by poor management and control seems to follow another, it is now a place we should be deeply ashamed of.

Benoni is blatantly condoning cruelty to animals.

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Motorist intimidated me

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