Car guards are necessary

Beverley Dye, of Rynfield, writes:

I am writing in response to a letter on page 12 of the issue dated April 28, headlined “Car guards are not necessary”.

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You are not necessarily incorrect in some of the points that you are expressing.

I used to think like you, with all the frustration that goes with car guards, until I decided to change my attitude and embrace them, with the help of the following facts:

• I live in South Africa, it is basically a third world country and crime and unemployment is high

• The fact that I have a car to drive which the car guard can look after

• Car guards do make a difference in the category of “crimes of opportunity” where crime is committed just because the “opportunity” suddenly presents itself. Car guards act as a type of repellent

• I am keeping them in a job – someone who could become a criminal because he/she has no job and food

I now keep money in my car and purse, just for car guards.

If I do not have change, I am not shy to ask them for change – they are most willing to oblige.

If there is no car guard around when I am ready to go, they go without, because then “someone else could have stolen my car without them noticing”.

So now, instead of always being irritable with car guards, I thank them, I pay them and I have a better day because the cycle of life continues.

I choose to stay in South Africa.


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Unfair treatment

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