
Problems for years

Ohna writes:

I have been living in Brentwood Park Agricultural Holdings for the past five years.

Send your letters to bctletters@caxton.co.za 

Since moving in there have been problems with water pressure and availability.

There are still houses being built in the area.

Should developers and the council not ensure that the water, sewerage et cetera is sufficient?

We have had sporadic water supply and very bad water pressure for days.

For almost a week, there has been burst pipe after burst pipe, with litres of water running down the streets.

I was previously told that the water pipes were not properly connected.

Could they not fix this?

By the way, I have not seen or heard of a water tanker anywhere.

Is this what we pay tax for?

There’s absolutely no service and weak excuses from the call centre.

Editor’s note:

The Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality was approached for comment, but none was received at the time of going to print.


Also read:

What do we pay rates for?

Clean Benoni, Mr Mayor

Thank you Pug Rescue


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