Credit to the metro

Angus Sarawan, of Farrarmere, writes:

As a resident living in Village Street, Farrarmere, I want to thank the Ekurhuleni metro for adding value to my daily use of this road that joins Mercury Street.

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This small stretch of road is indeed busy as many parents use it to Ashton College in the mornings and others wanting to join Mercury Street.

The recent expansion and upgrade done to widen Village Street, at the intersection with Mercury Street, is indeed welcomed by myself and the many residents and road users who use this section of the road daily.

The mornings are now a pleasure turning left onto Mercury Street, heading in a westerly direction.

No longer do I had to wait for the vehicles turning right onto Mercury and holding up the traffic behind wanting to turn left into Mercury or heading straight down towards Ashton College.

The contractors on this job did a marvellous job, keeping to the planned schedule, even working on weekends and some late nights.

Well done to this contractor who not only did a quality job, but also cleaned up after all the earthworks.

Now the road markings need to be done.

To my fellow Village Street road users, we need to be courteous to the residents who were inconvenienced and affected with their driveways being shortened and allow them the space they need when they back out of their driveways.

The Ekurhuleni metro now needs some speed humps from the Bayley Street four-way heading down Village to the robots on Mercury Street.

We still have speed demons who show no respect, hurtling down this 200m stretch.

A major accident is “waiting” to happen.

We hear of so many cases of delays and poor workmanship of the Ekurhuleni contractors, however, in this case I salute the contractors who did this upgrade.

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